The Victor-Victrola Page
An Overview of the Phonographs of the Victor Talking Machine Company
Celebrating over 27 years of Continuous Presence on the Worldwide Web!
website is dedicated to antique phonographs made by The Victor Talking Machine Company
from 1901 through 1929. It contains detailed information about the various
models that were produced by Victor, along with rarity, design features,
technical information, valuation, etc. This site is for beginners and seasoned
collectors alike. If you are just getting started and want to learn about these machines, or are looking for some basic information about your
Victor or Victrola, please click on the "Getting Started"
link below and read though the brief material. It will assist you in
navigating around this website. Once familiar
with the layout, feel free to investigate all aspects of these
early phonographs.
This site covers only Victor Talking Machine Co. brand phonographs. There were many other makes of phonographs produced in the early years of this century, including Edison, Sonora, Columbia, and hundreds of others. If you desire information on other brands of phonographs, please visit the "RESOURCES" section (below). Please note that post-1930 RCA-Victor branded products are also not covered here, as they were produced after the RCA Corporation bought Victor Talking Machine Company.
In addition, we do not have information on any modern Victrola-branded products (which play LP vinyl records), which are currently available from a number of retail outlets.
The Victor
For years, we have maintained a large database of Victor and Victrola
machines that are found at auctions and shows, as well as from listings on Ebay
and elsewhere. Additionally, we augment this database with information that
individuals send to us via this website. This data is used to help determine
when models changed, survival rates, design details, etc., and supports research with
other collectors. If you own a
Victor or Victrola,
and would like to help this site by contributing to the "knowledge
database", please click
here. Thanks!
Please click the "Getting
Started" button before exploring this site!
A Small Selection of Premium Machines For Sale
Just want more information on your Victor or Victrola Phonograph?
Background on the Victor Talking Machine Company.
Basics of the Acoustic Phonograph. How does it work?
Victor Products & Models. Serial numbers. When was it Made? How rare is it? Original Selling Prices. Current Value. Etc.
Types of Wood Veneers and Finishes. Functional Features. Hardware Variations. Etc.
Acoustic Performance. Technical Discussions. Horn Design. Audio Comparisons. Etc.
Operating Instructions. Sources for Parts and Needles. Repair. Restoration. Links. Non-Victor Phonographs
Phonograph Records. Trivia. Funniest Questions Asked on this site. Etc.
Information About Shows and Auctions Pertaining to Phonographs
Find the Original Locations for Victor Dealers in your town or state!
We are buying CAPEHART phonographs from the 1930's and 1940's! Click here for more information!
Site updated February 10, 2024
The names "Victor", "Victrola", and "Orthophonic", along with the dog and phonograph logo are trademarks of The Victor Talking Machine Company, The RCA-Victor Corporation, The General Electric Company, and BMG Entertainment Corporation.
Contents of this website Copyright © 2006, 2011, 2017, 2022 by All Rights Reserved. Material may not be reproduced without written permission..
Victor Victrola Victor Victrola Victor Victrola Victor Victrola Victor Victrola
Capehart Phonograph Capehart Phonograph Capehart Phonograph Capehart Phonograph Capehart