The Victor-Victrola Page
Parts Sources, External Links, Books, Repairs and Restoration Information
The following information will answer many of the questions we receive regarding the configuration, operation and repair/restoration of Victor and Victrola machines.
Repair usually refers to the process of getting an old Victrola to play records, e.g. fixing the motor, soundbox or other mechanical components. Restoration refers to the process of refurbishing the worn or damaged wood finish.
What are all those knobs and controls called?
How to Operate and Maintain a Victor or Victrola
Different Types of Needles. When to Replace
Them. Etc.
Introductory information on Repairing a Victor
Phonograph Including Motor, Soundbox, etc.
How to Restore an Old Finish
Refinishing techniques. Cleaning. Etc.
for buying Victor parts Needles. New Springs.
Mechanical Repair Services. Etc.
Recommended Repair Services for Victor/Victrola
motors and other mechanical components
The Process of Grading Condition and Determining
True Value of a Phonograph
Where to find more information. Information on Non-Victor Phonographs. Books and Literature.