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Victor Sales Network: State of Wyoming


Note: The listings below are for HISTORICAL VICTOR DEALERS from the early years of the 20th Century. They are not current phonograph retailers. Please see our Dealer Locator page for more information.

Some dealers may have multiple addresses shown; this can be due to having several branches or from having moved to a new location

Distributors are shown in RED. Many distributors also owned retail stores, so both retail and wholesale outlets may be covered under the same name, at the same (or different) addresses


Please help us by contributing to this site. If you know of an historical Victor Talking Machine dealer who is not shown in these listings (via a tag on your Victor phonograph, an old advertisement or other means), please email us at with the information. Also, if you live near one of these dealers, we would love to have some current pictures taken at the location (even if it is an empty lot!) to share with our readers.


City Dealer Name Address Links Map
Laramie Charles L. Clarke 202 S. Second St   Map
Lusk Daniels Jewelry and Music Store     Exact Address Needed
Sheridan A.L. Cummings Music Co. Lotus Theatre Block   Exact Address Needed

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