The Victor-Victrola Page
Victrola Design Details
1. Cabinets
2. Cranks, Brakes and Speed Controls
4. Lid Supports, Record Albums and Needle Trays
Pictures and details on some of the design features of Internal Horn Victrola phonographs. Each sequential page covers one aspect of the evolving designs. Advance to the next page via the link above or at the bottom of each page
Design Details: Cranks, Brakes and Speed Controls
All Victrolas had a basic crank, a brake to stop the turntable, and a speed control to adjust the turntable speed
Cranks (Victor referred to these as "Winding Keys").
Victrolas used Flat-Shank winding keys. Most of these cranks had
female threads. The thread sizes vary, depending on date of manufacture
Victrolas used Round-Shank winding keys. These cranks used either
a male or female thread, depending on date of manufacture. Thread sizes vary.
The earliest Victrolas used an
external Bullet Brake to stop the turntable, identical to the system used
by the external-horn Victor machines. This design appeared on many Victrolas up
until 1912, but was replaced with the Tab Brake on the more expensive
models as early as 1908.
The next
iteration of brake design was the Tab Brake, which remained in use (with
and without automatic brake yolks) from 1908 through the late 1920's. The tab brake had
the leather "stop" pad mounted inside the turntable rim, invisible from the
operator's view. The tab brake was introduced on the Victrola XVI in late 1908,
and eventually became standard equipment on all models.
In 1913, Victor deployed a new
Semi-Automatic Brake design on premium models, which allowed the user to manually preset a
shutoff point at the end of the record by moving the yoke, so that the brake
would be engaged by the tonearm extension rod when the record had ended. This
feature became standard on most models (excepting the low-end machines) by the
early 1920's. It can be readily identified by the
adjustable brake yoke mechanism under the tonearm. The tab control (shown at bottom)
continued to be used with the semi-automatic brake system for manual control of
stop/start functions.
An advanced Fully Automatic Brake
system was introduced in late 1925 on some of the new Orthophonic Victrolas. This system required no user settings, relying on the eccentric groove
at the end of
the record to trigger the brake. Note the slotted brake actuator that
follows the tonearm extension rod and triggers the brake mechanism. The brake
tab control continued to be used for manual control of start/stop functions.
All Victors had some type of control on the motorboard to vary the motor speed to match the record being played. Early record manufacturers would record at speeds varying from 60 to 90 RPM. All Victor records are intended to be played at 78 RPM
first Victrolas were large floor-model machines (such as the "VTLA"
or "VV-XVI") which used a Round Speed Control Bezel
design. This configuration had been introduced in 1905 on the deluxe
external-horn models, such as the "Victor VI". It was eventually
included on many other models up until 1916. There were several variations
of this basic configuration. It allowed the user to adjust the turntable
speed to align the pointer with the speed markings on the bezel.
lowest-priced Victrola models (such as the "VV-IV" and "VV-VI") used a Simple Speed Control
Knob to adjust the turntable speed (left). Many years later (in the
late 1920's) many Orthophonic models reverted to this basic design.
1912 some of the lower-priced machines used a Semi-Circular
Speed Control Bezel design for a few years.
In late 1913, some of
the premium models such as the "VV-XIV" and "VV-XVI" began
using the Exposed Speed Indicator, which was
the predecessor to the glass-covered speed dial that was in-use for many years.
This speed control system permitted the user to monitor the actual turntable speed as it was being
adjusted (using the control knob), making adjustments much easier. The Exposed
Indicator had no protection for the fragile indicator needle, making damage quite
easy. In addition, it tended to get bumped out of calibration. It was replaced with the Large Glass Indicator (below) very shortly after
introduction, and many machines that originally came with the Exposed Speed
Indicator were retrofitted with the newer control.
In 1914, Victor
redesigned the Exposed Speed Indicator to provide protection for the delicate
needle. It was now covered by a transparent, flexible "eisenglass" material. The first iteration of this new design used a Large Glass
Speed Control and a separately mounted control knob. Notice that two bezels
are used, one for the dial and another for the knob. This design
was used only on the more expensive machines (XIV, XVI and XVIII) for about 2 years.
speed control design was simplified in 1916. The Small Glass Speed Control
used the same principal as the Large Glass version, but integrated the two
bezels into one assembly, and reduced the size of the dial indicator. This
configuration was used on many models up through the late 1920's.
portable "suitcase" models use a simple pointer-adjustment to control
turntable speed.