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VV 1-80  (J1-80)

RARITY: ?   VALUE:  ¤¤ 


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The VV 1-80 was a tabletop phonograph produced by the Japanese Victor Corporation (JVC), which was a business partner with the USA-based Victor Talking Machine Company. It was built and marketed in Japan, and is somewhat of a cross between the US-built non-Orthophonic VV 1-70 and the Orthophonic VV 1-90 models. It featured an Orthophonic Soundbox, but without the exponential horn, making it somewhat of a technical "crossbreed". The cabinet featured a mahogany veneer and ash trim, and a 2 spring motor provided power.
Virtually no factory documentation has survived on these early Japanese Victor products, so price and total production information for this model is not available.



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